Emerging Female Artist Finalist 2023

 James Baird Gallery Artist in Residence 2024

Art Print Offering Changes Coming Soon

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Our connection to nature

is ancestral.

 Through my work, I recognize this primal connection.

I am stirred by humans as a species and the underappreciated facets of the natural world from which we came. As a result of these influences, I continually experiment with processes, mediums, and concepts as the nature of the work itself takes on a life of its own, not remaining static but ever-evolving.



This body of work was created during my artist residency in Newfoundland. As I arrived in this stark, wild landscape, I was stuck in a space between.


As a species, memories are essential to us. Yet they are such fragile things. Like anything in nature, they are subject to decay and, ultimately, loss. In this work, I connect the fragility and decay of memories and the permanence of loss.



When we abandon our outer worlds, to stand in and express our inner ones. I invite you to recognize, reflect, and offer self-compassion for the moments of oblivion that shaped your story. No matter how long past.


Original works on paper exploring new territory. I created inks in my studio pushing the ways I work with nature.



Infused with the words of the poet, Mary Oliver. This collection invites you to see nature as she did and "spend time; to linger on your very busy and important day".


A love letter to nature. As a constant in my life and grounding me with a greater sense of well-being, my 'Mother' collection uses the small natural moments to celebrate those who have shaped us.


Living and working in the deciduous forests of Michigan, Jaclyn Gordyan is an artist and sculptor. She has been an artist for 25 years, holds a BFA, and has exhibited and published her work across the US and internationally. Through her work, she recognizes this primal connection as she is stirred by humans as a species, our emotional experiences, and the under-appreciated facets of the natural world from which we came.

Every Print Plants a Tree

Every original does too. I partner with a non-profit global reforestation group to give back generations to come. So every time you support me by purchasing my art, you support generations to come by putting a tree in the ground.


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